Rodeo Hills Elementary 2024-2025 Calendar
8 Back to School Fair
12 Popsicles with PTA @ 6:00 School Tours @ 5:30
15 1st day of school - Adjusted Day
16 Adjusted Day
21 Adjusted Day - Back to School Night
28 Adjusted Day
30 Attendance Awareness: Otter Pops
September- Classroom Missions/Habits Review
2 Labor Day, No school
4 Adjusted Day
5 Fall Picture Day
6 ELAC Meeting @ 9:00
11 Adjusted Day - School Board 6:30
18 Adjusted Day
23 PTA Meeting @ 6:30
24 Attendance Awareness: Bubble Day
25 Adjusted Day - Awards Assembly
October- Habit #1 Be Proactive
Bullying Prevention Month; Red Ribbon Week
2 Adjusted Day - Custodian App. Day
3 School Site Council
4 ELAC Meeting @ 9:00
8 Picture Retakes
9 Adjusted Day -/School Board 6:30
14-18 Bus Safety Awareness
14 Indigenous Peoples Day- No School
16 Adjusted Day
17 Great American Shakeout
23 Adjusted Day
24 JSUSD Math Night @ RHES
28 PTA Meeting @ 6:30
28-31 Red Ribbon Week
30 Adjusted Day - Awards Assembly
30 Trunk or Treat @ 6:00
31 Halloween/ End of the Trimester, Adjusted Day
November- Habit #2 Begin With the End in Mind
1 Power/ Smoke Day- No School
6 Adjusted Day
4-8 National School Psychologist Week
11 Veterans Day, No School
13 Adjusted Day -/School Board 6:30
18-22 Adjusted Days - Parent/Teacher Conferences
18 PTA Meeting @ 6:30
22 Substitute Appreciation Day
25-29 Thanksgiving Holiday, No School
December- Habit #2 Begin With the End in Mind
4 Adjusted Day
11 Adjusted Day- /School Board 6:30
12 School Site Council Meeting, Holiday Craft Fair
13 Attendance Awareness: SuperHero Day
18 Adjusted Day- Nov. Dec.Awards Assembly
20 -Jan. 5 Winter Break, No School
January- Habit #3 Put First Things First
6 School Resumes
8 Adjusted Day - Staff Meeting/School Board 6:30
10 ELAC Meeting @ 9:00
15 Adjusted Day - Grade Level Meeting
20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day, No School
22 Adjusted Day
27 PTA Meeting @ 6:30
29 Adjusted Day- Awards Assembly
February- Habit #4 Think Win Win
3-7 School Counseling Week
5 Adjusted Day - Staff Meeting
10 A. Lincoln Day, No School
12 Adjusted Day - School Board 6:30
14 Attendance Awareness- Friendship Day
17 President’s Day, No School
19 Adjusted Day
24 PTA Meeting, @ 6:30
26 Adjusted Day- Awards Assembly
28 End of the Trimester, Adjusted Day
March- Habit # 5 Seek First to Understand
3-7 Read Across America/ Book Fair Week
5 Adjusted Day
6 Reading Fair Night/Book Fair @ 6:00 Spring Pictures
7 ELAC Meeting @ 9:00
12 5th Gr. Panoramic Picture/ Adjusted Day-Board 6:30
18-21 Adjusted Days - Parent/Teacher Conferences
24 PTA Meeting @ 6:30
26 Adjusted Day - Awards Assembly
27 School Site Council Meeting
31 Cesar Chavez Day, No School
April- Habit # 6 Synergize
2 Adjusted Day - School Board 6:30
3 Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
9 Leadership Day, All In Day/ Adjusted Day
14-18 Spring Break, No School
16 Librarian Appreciation Day
?? CMS STEM Night
22 Bus Driver Appreciation Day
23 Adjusted Day/ Admin Prof. Day
23- Fun Run
28 PTA Meeting
29 Attendance Awareness- Chalk the Yard
30 Adjusted Day/ Awards Assembly
May- Habit # 7 Sharpen the Saw
Habit # 8 Find Your Voice
2 School Lunch Hero Day
5-9 Teacher Appreciation Week
9 ELAC Meeting @ 9:00
5-15 CAASPP Testing
7 Adjusted Day - Staff Appreciation Lunch
14 Adjusted Day- School Board @ 6:30
15 School Site Council
18 Speech Pathologist Day
19 PTA Meeting @ 6:30
21 Open House 6:00-7:00
26 Memorial Day, No School
28 Adjusted Day - Awards Assembly/AttenDANCE (TK/K)
29 AttenDANCE (1st-5th)
30 5th vs. Staff Kickball Game
4 5th Grade Promotion @ RHES
4 Adjusted Day
5 Last Day- Adjusted Day CMS 8th Promotion
6 JSHS Graduation
11 School Board Meeting 6:30
19 Juneteenth Holiday
25 School Board Meeting 6:30
Dates are subject to change.