Rodeo Hills Elementary Calendar 2023-2024
9 School Board Meeting 6:30
14 Popsicles with Principal & PTA
17 1st day of school - Adjusted Day
23 Adjusted Day - Back to School Night
30 Adjusted Day
September- Classroom Missions/Habits Review
4 Labor Day, No school
6 Adjusted Day
8 ELAC Meeting @ 9:00
13 Adjusted Day /School Board 6:30
20 Adjusted Day
25 PTA Meeting @ 6:30
27 Adjusted Day/ Awards Assembly
28 School Site Council
October- Habit #1 Be Proactive
Bullying Prevention Month
2 Custodian Appreciation Day
4 Adjusted Day
6 ELAC Meeting @ 9:00
9 Indigenous Peoples Day- No School
11 Adjusted Dayl/School Board 6:30
16-20 Bus Safety Awareness
18 Adjusted Day
19 Great American Shakeout
19 JSUSD Math Night @ RHES 6:00pm
23 PTA Meeting- Board ONLY
23-31 Red Ribbon Week
25 Adjusted Day /Awards Assembly
27 End of the Trimester, Adjusted Day
27 Trunk or Treat @ 6:00
31 Halloween - Adjusted Day
November- Habit #2 Begin With the End in Mind
1 Adjusted Day
3 ELAC @ 9:00
7-11 National School Psychologist Week
8 Adjusted Dayl /School Board 6:30
10 Veterans Day, No School
13-17 Adjusted Days - Parent/Teacher Conferences
21-25 Thanksgiving Holiday, No School
27 PTA Meeting @ 6:30
30 Adjusted Day/ Awards Assembly
December- Habit #2 Begin With the End in Mind
6 Adjusted Day
7 Holiday Craft Fair
8 Smoke Day, as needed - No School
13 Adjusted Dayl/School Board 6:30
14 School Site Council Meeting
20 Adjusted Day
22-Jan. 5 Winter Break, No School
January- Habit #3 Put First Things First
8 School Resumes
10 Adjusted Day/ School Board 6:30
15 Martin Luther King Jr. Day, No School
17 Adjusted Day
22 PTA Meeting @ 6:30
24 Adjusted Day
31 Awards Assembly
February- Habit #4 Think Win Win
5-9 School Counseling Week
7 Adjusted Day
9 ELAC Meeting @ 9:00
12 A. Lincoln Day, No School
14 Adjusted Day/ School Board 6:30
15 School Site Council Meeting
19 President’s Day, No School
21 Adjusted Day
22 Bus Driver Appreciations
23 End of the Trimester, Adjusted Day
26 PTA Meeting, Board ONLY
28 Adjusted Day/ Awards Assembly
March- Habit # 5 Seek First to Understand
4-8 Read Across America/ Book Fair Week
5 Leadership Team Meeting
6 Adjusted Day
7 Reading Fair Night/Book Fair @ 6:00
8 Possible Day Off/Smoke Day
13 Adjusted Day/ School Board 6:30
12-15 Adjusted Days - Parent/Teacher Conferences
20 Adjusted Day
21 School Site Council Meeting
25 PTA Meeting @ 6:30
27 Adjusted Day/ Awards Assembly
29 Cesar Chavez Day, No School
April- Habit # 6 Synergize
1-5 Spring Break, No School
3 Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
4 Librarian Appreciation Day
10 Adjusted Day/ School Board 6:30
12 ELAC Meeting @ 9:00
17 Leadership Day Assembly, All In Day
17 Adjusted Day
18 CMS STEM Night
22 PTA Meeting, Board ONLY
24 Adjusted Day/ Awards Assembly
24 Administrative Professionals Day
May- Habit # 7 Sharpen the Saw
Habit # 8 Find Your Voice
1 Substitute Appreciation Day
1 Adjusted Day - Fun Run- All In Day
3 School Lunch Hero Day
6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week
6-17 CAASPP Testing
8 Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
8 Adjusted Day/ School Board 6:30
15 Adjusted Day
18 Speech Pathologist Day
20 PTA Meeting @ 6:30
22 Open House 6:00-7:00
23 School Site Council
27 Memorial Day, No School
29 Adjusted Day
5 5th Grade Promotion @ RHES
5 Adjusted Day - Staff End of the Year Party
6 Last Day of School- Adjusted Day CMS Promotion
7 JSHS Graduation
12 School Board Meeting 6:30
19 Juneteenth Holiday
26 School Board Meeting 6:30
*** Dates are subject to change.