• Greetings parents and families,

    The purpose of this page is to provide you with information about school field trips. Typically, your child's school and/or teacher will inform you about an upcoming field trip. In almost all cases you will have to complete a permission slip for your child to attend the field trip. Completing the permission form is critical because it contains important information about where to contact you in case of an emergency. The one exception to the use of our Field Trip permission slip (provided by the school or classroom teacher) is the use of Lefty Gomez field by the students at Rodeo Hills Elementary. While we currently lease Lefty Gomez to the Rodeo Baseball Association (RBA), we use the field during school hours as needed. Typically, it is the older students in grades 3 - 5 who go down to the field during PE during the school day. There are also times our upper grade classes go down to Lefty for a special activity. This is not considered a field trip. If you are uncomfortable with your child going down to Lefty during PE (again, this is infrequent) or a special activity, please alert your child's classroom teacher. 

    Thank you!