JSUSD Language Learners Celebration of Success / Celebración de Logros de los estudiantes multilingües de JSUSD

  • Reclassification is the process whereby a student is reclassified from English learner (EL) status to Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) status. Reclassification can take place at any time during the academic year, immediately upon the student meeting all the criteria. The reclassification criteria include multiple measures to ensure both proficiency in the English language and participation equal to that of average native speakers in the school’s regular instructional program. (JSUSD Reclassification Criteria Chart )


    “English learners at all English proficiency levels and at all ages require both Integrated ELD and specialized attention to their particular language learning needs, or Designated ELD.” 

    Designated ELD is defined as instruction provided during a time during the regular school day for focused instruction on the state-adopted ELD standards to assist English learners to develop critical English language skills necessary for academic content learning in English. (California Code of Regulations, Title 5 [5 CCR] Section 11300[a])

    Integrated ELD is defined as instruction in which the state-adopted ELD standards are used in tandem with the state-adopted academic content standards. Integrated ELD includes specifically designed academic instruction in English. (5 CCR Section 11300[c])

    La reclasificación es el proceso mediante el cual un estudiante es reclasificado del estado de aprendiz de inglés (EL) al estado de dominio fluido del inglés (RFEP). La reclasificación puede tener lugar en cualquier momento durante el año académico, inmediatamente después de que el estudiante cumpla con todos los criterios. Los criterios de reclasificación incluyen múltiples medidas para garantizar tanto el dominio del idioma inglés como la participación igual a la de los hablantes nativos promedio en el programa de instrucción regular de la escuela.(Cuadro de criterios para Reclasificación de JSUSD)


    “Los estudiantes de inglés en todos los niveles de dominio del inglés y en todas las edades requieren ELD integrado y atención especializada a sus necesidades particulares de aprendizaje del idioma, o ELD designado”

    ELD designado se define como la instrucción proporcionada durante un tiempo durante el día escolar regular para la instrucción enfocada en los estándares ELD adoptados por el estado para ayudar a los estudiantes de inglés a desarrollar las habilidades críticas del idioma inglés necesarias para el aprendizaje del contenido académico en inglés. (Código de Regulaciones de California, Título 5 [5 CCR] Sección 11300[a])

    ELD integrado se define como instrucción en la que los estándares de ELD adoptados por el estado se utilizan junto con los estándares de contenido académico adoptados por el estado. ELD integrado incluye instrucción académica específicamente diseñada en inglés. (5 CCR Sección 11300[c])



Degrees and Certifications:

Marga Marshall

JSUSD EL Program Coordinator Consultant

510-245-4300 ext# 1021


Twitter: @MargaMarshall

  • Marga Marshall is an Educational Consultant with experience in bilingual education in Spain and California. She opened the first TK-8 Two Way Dual Immersion English/Spanish School in Concord, CA as part of the district’s Magnet schools. Prior to becoming a principal, Marga Marshall was a bilingual teacher, an instructional coach, an English Learners coach, and a Dual Language coach. As an educator for over 24 years, her passion is bilingualism , biliteracy, and offering students the opportunity to learn a second language. Marga Marshall has always developed relationships with the community, staff, and teachers. Her leadership also involves watching students grow and supporting teachers and staff, so that they can reach their greatest potential while strengthening a connection between school and home, and fostering a positive school culture. 

    Marga Marshall has presented at state and national conferences on best practices for the bilingual classroom, Creating Culturally Competent Schools, Number Talks in bilingual classrooms, and presentations for parents and paraeducators with strategies on how to support students during distance Learning.

    She was awarded the MDEA Community Involvement Award during the 2015-2016 school year and she is also the recipient of the MDEA Outstanding Administrator Award for the 2017-2018 and 2020-2021 school years. She was also nominated as the ACSA Region 6 Elementary Principal of the Year for the 2018-2019 school year. 

    During her leadership at Holbrook Language Academy, her school was voted best Bilingual School by Parents Press for three consecutive years, and she wrote the entry for the CSBA Golden Bell Awards - an award that promotes excellence in education by recognizing outstanding programs - leading Holbrook Language Academy to be the recipient of the 2021 Golden Bell Award in the Category of English Learners/Biliteracy.

    As an Educational Bilingual Consultant, Marga Marshall partners with districts providing expert, customized consulting, and professional learning in the areas of biliteracy and English Learner education.
    Marga Marshall is the co-author of Breaking Down the Monolingual Wall: Essential Shifts for Multilingual Learners' Success, a guide to culturally and linguistically sustaining practices in dual language classrooms and schools, published by Corwin Press in October 2023. 



  • Reported Languages of our students - John Swett Unified School District - Informe de idiomas hablados de nuestros estudiantes

    Language Diversity
    1.   Arabic
    2.   Bulgarian
    3.   Cantonese
    4.   Cebuano (visayan)
    5.   Farsi (Persian)
    6.   Filipino (Pilipino or Tagalog) 
    7.   French
    8.   German
    9.   Guajarati
    10. Hindi
    11. Hungarian
    12. Khmu
    13. Korean
    14. Lahu
    15. Lao
    16. Mandarin
    17. Mien (Yao)
    18. Nepali
    19. Other Non English
    20. Pashto
    21. Portuguese
    22. Punjabi
    23. Russian
    24. Somali
    25. Spanish
    26. Telugu
    27. Thai
    28. Tigrinya
    29. Tongan
    30. Turkish
    31. Urdu
    32. Vietnamese

Seal of Biliteracy
Todo el mundo sonrie en el mismo idioma