• Cyberbullying Resources for Parents and Guardians:

    According to Wikipedia Cyberbullying is the act of harming or harassing via information technology networks in a repeated and deliberate manner. According to U.S. Legal Definitions, "cyber-bullying could be limited to posting rumors or gossips about a person in the internet bringing about hatred in other’s minds; or it may go to the extent of personally identifying victims and publishing materials severely defaming and humiliating them." No matter how far it goes, it causes great harm. These important resources are informative and helpful.

    Connecting Families is from Common Sense Media. It offers resources on cyberbullying and online safety. Connecting Families is a free, year-long course that includes conversation starters and resources for families to discuss topics in the digital age. Easy to navigate and supported by the National PTA! https://www.commonsensemedia.org/educators/connecting-families

    Family Tip Sheet – Common Sense on Cyberbullying (age appropriate for middle/high school) This sheet offers concrete tips for parents who want meaningful conversations with their children about online activity, and how to discuss cyberbullying. https://www.commonsensemedia.org/sites/default/files/uploads/pdfs/6-12-familytip-cyberbullying.pdf

    Comprehensive Parent Guide - Cyberbullying, Haters and Trolls is an online Q and A. You can sort questions by “most popular” (e.g. How can I report cyberbullying?) or by the age and stage of your child (from preschoolers to teens and every stage in between). https://www.commonsensemedia.org/cyberbullying

    Cyberbullying Research Center – What makes this site so helpful is that it has many activities for students, and tips for parents and teachers. It is full of great resources. One of the most helpful though may be the sheet for parents on talking points with your child, if your child is not the victim, but the bully. Most resources are for the parents of the victim, but the bully’s parents need resources just as much.http://cyberbullying.org/resources/parents/

    National Crime Prevention Council – This comprehensive site offers great tips for parents on many topics, including cyber-bullying and online safety. “What Parents Can Do” and “What Kids Need To Know” are two great lists in easy to read bullet-points. https://www.ncpc.org/resources/cyberbullying/